


Preventing Swimmers Ear Swimmers ear puts a damper on summer time fun — and it’s painful.  Children up to teens are the most susceptible.  Fortunately most will outgrow the recurring problem, but preventative measures can be taken to ensure recurring infections are minimized or even prevented to eliminate or limit long-term damage to the ear. […]

New treatments for Rosacea, Soolantra and laser

New treatments for Rosacea, Soolantra and laser

New Treatments for Rosacea Offers Excellent Cosmetic Results Rosacea is a troublesome condition. It is estimated to affect 16 million Americans. Although it is not life-threatening, it can seriously reduce the quality of life of sufferers. It generally first manifests in middle-age as excessively red facial skin. Over time, the redness worsens and may be […]

Allergy Treatment by doctors and physicians Highland, New Paltz

Allergy Treatment by doctors and physicians Highland, New Paltz

Know When to Consider Seeing a Doctor for Your Seasonal Many individuals suffer from some form of seasonal allergies that are oftentimes weather related. However, some individual’s seasonal allergies are more severe than others, which can require more than over the counter treatments. The goal of this article will be to go over how you […]

Varicose Vein Treatment in New Paltz, Highland

Varicose Vein Treatment in New Paltz, Highland

Symptoms that indicate varicose veins need treatment. Varicose veins are enlarged veins in the legs. They are often visible through the skin as unsightly twisting blue lines. They are very common, particularly in older women. They are caused by weak valves in the veins that allow blood to back up in the veins and distend […]

Physical Therapy Benefits in New Paltz and Highland

Physical Therapy Benefits in New Paltz and Highland

3 Incredible Benefits of Physical Therapy Some people avoid physical therapy like the plague. If this sounds like you, you should reconsider. You will regret not going to physical therapy if you have: Back pain Knee pain Wrist pain Other treatable injuries. In this article we will cover three incredible benefits of physical therapy: 1. Save money […]