Rosacea treatment by Doctors in Highland and New Paltz

What is Rosacea? Rosacea is often mistaken for adult acne when it first appears. It is characterized by reddening of the skin accompanied by small, red pus-filled bumps. It can come and go, much as acne does. However, unlike acne, rosacea tends to get worse over time. As the condition progresses, small red blood vessels may become visible in the central portion of the face. The skin may feel hot and tender. In men, sometimes the skin on the nose thickens and makes it appear bulbous. The eyes are often affected, becoming dry and irritated with swollen eyelids.At FirstCare Medical Center Dr Weinwan the other practitioners are familiar with this and other common dermatologic conditions and have the most advanced medical treatment for this common skin condition. Call 845 691 3627 extension 4  and arrange toma see Dr. Weinman at your convenience.

Who Gets Rosacea?

Anyone can get rosacea. It is most common in middle-aged fair-skinned women. The actual cause of the condition is unknown. It may be partially hereditary. Any environmental condition that increases blood flow to the face can worsen or aggravate rosacea, such as sun exposure, spicy foods, stress, exercise and certain medications.

What is the Cure?

Currently the most advanced treatment involves Pulsed Light Therapy, which is more effective than the previous treatments such as antibiotics and metrogel and other topical medication. Avoiding sunlight and any other known triggers can also help control the symptoms.

Pulsed Light Treatments

Pulsed Light and laser treatments can dramatically improve the appearance of your face if you have rosacea. Pulsed Light and laser can seal shut the visible blood vessels and make them rapidly disappear. Pulsed Light and laser can also help reduce the persistent redness of rosacea. If you’re experiencing thickening of the skin on the nose and cheeks, Pulsed Light and laser can also help reduce that symptom.

Studies of pulsed Light and laser reatments for rosacea report that a single treatment produces visible results, and two treatments can reduce visible symptoms by 40 to 60%. In addition to reducing visible symptoms, laser treatments can reduce sensations of burning, itching, dryness and sensitivity.

Side effects from pulsed light and laser treatments are generally very mild and may include minor bruising, temporary sensitivity and crusting of the skin. These side effects vanish within a week or two.

If you have rosacea and don’t like what it’s doing to your appearance, make an appointment for an evaluation today.

Photo: What is Rosacea?</p><br />
<p>Rosacea is often mistaken for adult acne when it first appears. It is characterized by reddening of the skin accompanied by small, red pus-filled bumps. It can come and go, much as acne does. However, unlike acne, rosacea tends to get worse over time. As the condition progresses, small red blood vessels may become visible in the central portion of the face. The skin may feel hot and tender. In men, sometimes the skin on the nose thickens and makes it appear bulbous. The eyes are often affected, becoming dry and irritated with swollen eyelids. </p><br />
<p>At FirstCare Medical Center Dr Weinwan the other practitioners are familiar with this and other common dermatologic conditions and have the most advanced medical treatment for this common skin condition. Call 845 691 3773 and arrange toma see Dr. Weinman at your convenience.</p><br />
<p>Who Gets Rosacea?</p><br />
<p>Anyone can get rosacea. It is most common in middle-aged fair-skinned women. The actual cause of the condition is unknown. It may be partially hereditary. Any environmental condition that increases blood flow to the face can worsen or aggravate rosacea, such as sun exposure, spicy foods, stress, exercise and certain medications. </p><br />
<p>What is the Cure?</p><br />
<p>Currently the most advanced treatment involves Pulsed Light Therapy, which is more effective than the previous treatments such as antibiotics and metrogel and other topical medication. Avoiding sunlight and any other known triggers can also help control the symptoms. </p><br />
<p>Pulsed Light Treatments</p><br />
<p>Pulsed Light  and laser treatments can dramatically improve the appearance of your face if you have rosacea.  Pulsed Light and laser can seal shut the visible blood vessels and make them rapidly disappear. Pulsed Light and laser can also help reduce the persistent redness of rosacea. If you're experiencing thickening of the skin on the nose and cheeks, Pulsed Light and laser can also help reduce that symptom. </p><br />
<p>Studies of pulsed Light and laser reatments for rosacea report that a single treatment produces visible results, and two treatments can reduce visible symptoms by 40 to 60%. In addition to reducing visible symptoms, laser treatments can reduce sensations of burning, itching, dryness and sensitivity.</p><br />
<p>Side effects from  pulsed light and laser treatments are generally very mild and may include minor bruising, temporary sensitivity and crusting of the skin. These side effects vanish within a week or two. </p><br />
<p>If you have rosacea and don't like what it's doing to your appearance, make an appointment for an evaluation today.